Images Submission

How to Submit Images


  • Images can only be submitted after samples have been uploaded in the Upload Sample Spreadsheet dialog. The max total image size should be no more than 2GB.

  • Images can only be submitted via a ToL [1] profile. Please see: Steps to Create a Tree of Life Profile for guidance.

  • The file name of sample images must be named as {Specimen_ID}-{n}.[jpg|png] where {n} is the image number, {Specimen_ID} is the specimen ID of the sample in the manifest and jpg or png is the extension of the file.


The upload-images-button button will only be enabled after you upload a manifest in the Upload Sample Spreadsheet dialog. This process must be completed in one go; you cannot close the dialog and return later to upload images. The images rely on metadata from the sample manifest, so the upload-images-button button becomes active immediately after the manifest is uploaded, allowing you to add images in the same session.

  1. The images table is empty under the Sample Images tab in the Upload Sample Spreadsheet dialog.

    Upload Sample Spreadsheet dialog with no image uploaded

    Manifest submission: ‘Upload Sample Spreadsheet’ dialog with no images uploaded

  2. The images table is populated with the images uploaded under the Sample Images tab in the Upload Sample Spreadsheet dialog.

    Upload Sample Spreadsheet dialog with image(s) uploaded

    Manifest submission: ‘Upload Sample Spreadsheet’ dialog with image(s) uploaded

  3. Click the finish-button button to submit the images and samples.

    A Submit Samples confirmation dialog is displayed. If you decide to confirm the samples submission, click the Confirm button.

    'Submit Samples' confirmation dialog

    Manifest submission: ‘Submit Samples’ confirmation dialog

View Submitted Images


  • Images can only be viewed after they have been submitted.

  • Images cannot be deleted or modified after they have been submitted.

  • The accept-reject-samples-navigation-button button will only appear on the web page if you are assigned as a sample manager.


  • To select multiple sample records, hold down the Ctrl key on your keyboard and click the sample records that you would like to select.

  • To select a range of sample records, hold down the Shift key on your keyboard and click the first and last sample records that you would like to select.

  • To select all sample records, click select-all-button

  • To select filtered sample records, click select-filtered-button

  • To clear selection of sample records, click clear-selection-button

On Samples web page

  1. Navigate to the Samples web page.

    See How to access Samples web page section for guidance.

  2. Select the sample record(s) that you would like to view images for.

    Then, click the view-images-button1 button to view the image(s) submitted for the selected sample record(s).

    Samples web page with sample record(s) selected and a pointer to the 'View images' button

    Samples web page: Pointer to ‘View images’ button

  3. If any image submission(s) exist for the selected sample record(s), a popup dialog will be displayed with the image(s) submitted for the selected sample record(s) as shown below:


    Click the image to view a larger version.

    View images popup dialog with images displayed for selected sample record(s)

    Samples web page: Popup dialog displaying submitted image(s) for selected sample record(s)


    If no images were submitted for the selected sample record(s), a message is displayed in the popup dialog indicating such as shown below:

    No images exists message in popup dialog for selected sample record(s)

    Samples web page: Popup dialog displaying message, ‘No images exist for selected sample record(s)’

On Accept or Reject Samples web page

If you have been assigned as a sample manager, see View submitted images section for sample managers for more information.
