Brokering Data in COPO with FAIR Data Principles

Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable (FAIR) data enables data consumers (people or machines) to find, aggregate and analyse data that would otherwise be private or invisible, building on the existing web of linked data.

In COPO, the FAIR principles are applied as follows:


Using DataTables’ search engine

COPO uses DataTables to display tabular data. The data are indexed in the DataTables’ smart search engine and the search box is accessible within each table of data; it is located at the top right of the table. The search engine is updated automatically when metadata is added or updated.

The search box provides the following abilities:
  • Match words out of order

  • Partial word matching

  • Preserved text

See here for more information about searching for data in DataTables.


Metadata can also be found via the COPO API.

See Using COPO API section for more information.


The required data can be retrieved freely with unrestricted access or via authentication and authorisation mechanisms, where necessary.


Data are integrated and available on ENA and NCBI. Data can be exported in csv, json or ro-crate format using the COPO API.


Metadata are well-described with a plurality of accurate and relevant attributes. They are published to public repositories and can be accessed with the COPO API via a clear and accessible data usage.

FAIR Webinars

Webinar: COPO: Extending the frontiers of “FAIR” Data in Agriculture as part of RDA/IGAD webinar series

Date: February 12th July, 2020.

Host: Research Data Alliance/Improving Global Agricultural Data (RDA/IGAD)


See also

Visit FAIR website for more information about FAIR principles.