Profile Configuration and Setup using Python and Django

Django Admin is a powerful and flexible interface for managing and configuring data models within a Django application. In this section, we will explore how to set up and configure a profile consisting of several subparts: ProfileType, Component, RecordActionButton and TitleButton. Each of these subparts will have its own Django Admin model, enabling comprehensive management through the Django Admin interface.

Before setting up the profile, it is essential to understand the structure of a Django project and application. This knowledge will help you navigate the project and locate the necessary files for configuring the profile.

See Project Application Structure section for more information.


This section assumes that you have a basic understanding of Django and Python.

If you are new to them, you can refer to the official Django documentation and the official Python documentation for more information.

1. Defining the Profile Structure

The profile [1] setup is designed to be modular and extensible, with each subpart encapsulated in its own model. This modularity ensures that each component can be managed independently while still being part of a cohesive profile configuration.

Each subpart has its own PostgreSQL table and corresponding Django Admin model, which facilitates the management of complex configurations within a profile.

By understanding the purpose and configuration of each subpart, administrators can efficiently manage complex profiles and their components, enhancing the overall functionality and usability of the Django application.

Click the desired link below for guidance on configuring and setting up each subpart.

2. Defining Django Model

Define the model in a Python file: This file will contain the model definition that represents the structure of the database table.


The file should be located in the same directory as the file. It can be used to define all models for the Django application. There is no need to create a separate model file for each model.


  • Click the collapsible-item-arrow button below to view the contents of the Python Django model file.

  • View the actual implementation of the models used in the COPO project on GitHub.

ProfileType Django Model
ProfileType Python Django model definition
from django.db import models
from .component_model import Component

class ProfileType(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        ordering = ['description']

    components = models.ManyToManyField(Component, blank=True)
    type = models.CharField(max_length=20, unique=True)
    description = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    widget_colour = models.CharField(max_length=200, blank=True, null=True)
    is_dtol_profile = models.BooleanField(default=False)
    is_permission_required = models.BooleanField(default=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return self.type + " : " + self.description

    def create_profile_type(self, type, description, widget_colour, is_dtol_profile, is_permission_required):
        self.type = type
        self.description = description
        self.widget_colour = widget_colour
        self.is_dtol_profile = is_dtol_profile
        self.is_permission_required = is_permission_required
        return self

Component Django Model
Component Python Django model definition
from django.db import models
from .title_button_model import TitleButton
from .record_action_button_model import RecordActionButton
class Component(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        ordering = ['title']

    title_buttons = models.ManyToManyField(TitleButton, blank=True)
    recordaction_buttons = models.ManyToManyField(RecordActionButton, blank=True)
    name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    subtitle = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
    widget_icon = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
    widget_colour = models.CharField(max_length=200,blank=True, null=True)
    widget_icon_class = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
    table_id = models.CharField(max_length=100)
    reverse_url = models.CharField(max_length=100,blank=True, null=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return + " : " + self.title

    def create_component(self, name, title, subtitle, widget_icon, widget_colour, widget_icon_class, table_id, reverse_url): = name
        self.title = title
        self.subtitle = subtitle
        self.widget_icon = widget_icon
        self.widget_colour = widget_colour
        self.widget_icon_class = widget_icon_class
        self.table_id = table_id
        self.reverse_url = reverse_url
        return self

RecordActionButton Django Model
RecordActionButton Python Django model definition
from django.db import models

class RecordActionButton(models.Model):
    class action_types(models.TextChoices):
        SINGLE = 'single', _("Single")
        MULTIPLE = 'multi', _("Multiple")
        def __str__(self):
            return self.value

    name = models.CharField(max_length=100, unique=True)
    icon_colour = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True, help_text="Colour of the icon")
    title = models.CharField(max_length=100,  blank=True, null=True)
    label = models.CharField(max_length=100,  blank=True, null=True)
    type = models.CharField(max_length=100, choices=action_types.choices, default=action_types.SINGLE, blank=True, null=True )
    error_message = models.CharField(max_length=100, blank=True, null=True)
    icon_class = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="Font Awesome icon class", blank=True, null=True)
    action = models.CharField(max_length=100, help_text="Name of javascript function to be performed on click", blank=True, null=True)

    def __str__(self):
        return + " : " + self.title + " : " + self.type

    def create_record_action_button(self, name, title, label, type, error_message, icon_class, action, icon_colour): = name
        self.title = title
        self.label = label
        self.type = type
        self.error_message = error_message
        self.icon_class = icon_class
        self.action = action
        self.icon_colour = icon_colour
        return self

TitleButton Django Model
TitleButton Python Django model definition
from django.db import models

class TitleButton(models.Model):
    class Meta:
        ordering = ['name']

    name = models.CharField(max_length=50, unique=True)
    template = models.CharField(max_length=500)
    additional_attr = models.CharField(max_length=500, blank=True, null=True,
                                       help_text="Additional attributes for the button,format: key1:value1,key2:value2,key3:value3")

    def __str__(self):

    def create_title_button(self, name, template, additional_attr): = name
        self.template = template
        self.additional_attr = additional_attr
        return self

3. Registering Django Model with Django Admin site

This step makes the model available in the Django Admin interface after the model has been defined.

An admin class can be defined in the file to describe how the model is displayed in the Django Admin interface. the display and behaviour of each field in the model can be customised on the Django admin interface like filters, search fields and more.

No admin class is required if you want to use the default Django Admin interface for the model. The example below demonstrates how to register a model with the default Django Admin interface using the method.

The method associates the model with the admin class and makes it available in the Django Admin interface.


  • The file should be located in the same directory as the file. It can be used to register all models with the Django Admin interface. There is no need to create a separate admin file for each model.

  • Replace ModelName with the actual model name in the code snippet below.


View the actual implementation of the file used in the COPO project on GitHub.

from django.contrib import admin
# Import the model. Replace ModelName with the actual model name
from .models import ModelName

# Register the admin class with the associated model

4. Make Migrations and Migrate the Django Model


Skipping these steps means that the database will not reflect the changes in the models, leading to inconsistencies and errors when you try to interact with the database through Django.

Running the Python makemigrations and migrate commands are essential after creating and registering a Django model because these commands handle the creation and application of database schema changes based on the model definitions.

The makemigrations command is responsible for generating migration files based on the changes in the models while the migrate command is responsible for applying the migrations to the database.

To create and apply migrations, run the following commands in the terminal:

python makemigrations
python migrate

5. Automating Profile Creation with

After defining and registering the models, you can automate the creation of profiles and their subparts using a management command in Django. This approach streamlines the setup process, ensuring consistency and reducing manual effort.

Management Command

Create a new management command by adding a file in the Django app’s management/commands directory.


Click the collapsible-item-arrow button below to view the contents of the Python management command file.

The actual implementation may vary based on your specific requirements.

Click here to view the actual implementation of the management command used in the COPO project.

Setup profile management command
Python Python management command file contents
from typing import Any
from import BaseCommand
from src.apps.copo_core.models import ProfileType, Component, RecordActionButton, TitleButton

 id |   type   |                     description                     | widget_colour | is_dtol_profile | is_permission_required 
  5 | erga     | European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA)              | #E61A8D       | t               | t
  4 | asg      | Aquatic Symbiosis Genomics (ASG)                    | #5829bb       | t               | t
  3 | dtolenv  | Darwin Tree of Life Environmental Samples (DTOLENV) | #fb7d0d       | t               | t
  2 | dtol     | Darwin Tree of Life (DTOL)                          | #16ab39       | t               | t
  1 | genomics | Stand-alone                                         | #009c95       | f               | f
  6 | test     | Test New Profile                                    | violet        | f               | t


 id |         name         |        title         | widget_icon  | widget_colour | widget_icon_class  |      table_id       |                    reverse_url                     |      subtitle       
  3 | accessions_dashboard | Accessions           | pink         |               | fa fa-sitemap      | accessions_table    | copo_accession:copo_accessions                     | 
  4 | assembly             | Assembly             | puzzle piece | violet        | fa fa-puzzle-piece | assembly_table      | copo_assembly_submission:copo_assembly             | 
  5 | taggedseq            | Barcoding Manifests  | barcode      | red           | fa fa-barcode      | tagged_seq_table    | copo_barcoding_submission:copo_taggedseq           | #component_subtitle
  6 | files                | Files                | file         | blue          | fa fa-file         | files_table         | copo_file:copo_files                               | 
  9 | seqannotation        | Sequence Annotations | tag          | yellow        | fa fa-tag          | seqannotation_table | copo_seq_annotation_submission:copo_seq_annotation | 
  8 | read                 | Reads                | dna          | orange        | fa fa-dna          | read_table          | copo_read_submission:copo_reads                    | #component_subtitle
  7 | sample               | Samples              | filter       | olive         | fa fa-filter       | sample_table        | copo_sample:copo_samples                           | 
  2 | accessions           | Accessions           | sitemap      | pink          | fa fa-sitemap      | accessions_table    | copo_accession:copo_accessions                     | 
  1 | profile              | Work Profiles        |              |               |                    | copo_profiles_table |                                                    | #component_subtitle


 id |              name               |                   title                    |          label           |  type  |                                     error_message                                     |      icon_class       |          action          | icon_colour 
  8 | add_terminal_all                | Add new file by terminal                   | Add                      |        |                                                                                       | fa fa-terminal        | add_files_by_terminal    | blue
 10 | download_sample_manifest_single | Download Sample Manifest                   | Download sample manifest | single | Please select one of samples in the manifest to download                              | fa fa-download        | download-sample-manifest | blue
  7 | add_local_all                   | Add new file by browsing local file system | Add                      |        | Add new file by browsing local file system                                            | fa fa-desktop         | add_files_locally        | blue
  2 | edit_record_single              | Edit record                                | Edit                     | single | Please select a record to edit                                                        | fa fa-pencil-square-o | edit                     | green
  1 | add_record_all                  | Add new record                             | Add                      |        |                                                                                       | fa fa-plus            | add                      | blue
 12 | download_permits_multiple       | Download Permits                           | Download permits         | multi  | Please select one or more sample records from the table shown to download permits for | fa fa-download        | download-permits         | orange
 11 | view_images_multiple            | View Images                                | View images              | multi  | Please select one or more sample records from the table shown to view images for      | fa fa-eye             | view-images              | teal
  9 | submit_tagged_seq_multi         | Submit Tagged Sequence                     | Submit                   | multi  | Please select one or more record to submit                                            | fa fa-info            | submit_tagged_seq        | teal
  6 | submit_read_multi               | Submit Read                                | Submit                   | multi  | Please select one or more record to submit                                            | fa fa-info            | submit_read              | teal
  5 | submit_annotation_multi         | Submit Annotation                          | Submit                   | multi  | Please select one or more record to submit                                            | fa fa-info            | submit_annotation        | teal
  4 | submit_assembly_multi           | Submit Assembly                            | Submit                   | multi  | Please select one or more record to submit                                            | fa fa-info            | submit_assembly          | 
  3 | delete_record_multi             | Delete records                             | Delete                   | multi  | Please select one or more records to delete                                           | fa fa-trash-can       | validate_and_delete      | red
 13 | releasestudy                    | Release Study                              | Release Study            | single |                                                                                       | fa fa-globe           | release_study            | blue
 id |                name                |                                                                                                                        template                                                                                                                         |     additional_attr      
 10 | accept_reject_samples              | <button style="display: none" title="Accept/Reject TOL Samples"             class="big circular ui icon teal button accept_reject_samples copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon tasks sign"></i>     </button>                                          | 
 11 | tol_inspect                        | <button style="display: none" title="Inspect TOL"             class="big circular ui icon yellow button tol_inspect copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon clipboard list"></i>     </button>                                                            | 
 12 | tol_inspect_gal                    | <button class="big circular ui icon green button tol_inspect_gal copo-tooltip" title="Inspect TOL by GAL">         <i class="icon building"></i>     </button>                                                                                          | 
 13 | copo_accessions                    | <button style="display: none" title="View Accessions Dashboard"             class="big circular ui icon pink button copo_accessions copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon sitemap"></i>     </button>                                                   | 
  7 | new_taggedseq_spreadsheet_template | <button style="display: inline" title="Add Tagged Sequence (s) from Tagged Sequence Spreadsheet"             class="big circular ui icon button new-taggedseq-spreadsheet-template copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon table sign"></i>     </button> | 
  6 | new_terminal_file                  | <button title="Add new file by terminal"             class="big circular ui icon primary button new-terminal-file copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon terminal sign"></i>     </button>                                                               | 
  5 | new_local_file                     | <button title="Add new file by browsing local file system"             class="big circular ui icon primary button new-local-file copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon desktop sign"></i>     </button>                                                 | 
  4 | new_reads_spreadsheet_template     | <button style="display: inline" title="Add Read(s) from Read Spreadsheet"             class="big circular ui icon button new-reads-spreadsheet-template copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon table sign"></i>     </button>                            | 
  3 | new_samples_spreadsheet_template   | <button   title="Add Sample(s) from Spreadsheet"             class="big circular ui icon button new-samples-spreadsheet-template copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon table sign"></i>     </button>                                                   | 
  2 | quick_tour_template                | <button title="Quick tour"             class="big circular ui icon orange button takeatour quick-tour-template copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon lightbulb"></i>     </button>                                                                      | 
  1 | new_component_template             | <button title="Add new profile record"             class="big circular ui icon primary button new-component-template copo-tooltip">         <i class="icon add sign"></i>     </button>                                                                 | 
  9 | download_sop                       | <a title="Download Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)"         class="big circular ui icon yellow button download-sop copo-tooltip" target="_blank">         <i class="icon download sign"></i>     </a>                                                | href:#sop_url
  8 | download_blank_manifest_template   | <a  title="Download Blank Manifest Template"             class="big circular ui icon brown button download-blank-manifest-template copo-tooltip" target="_blank">         <i class="icon download sign"></i>     </a>                                   | href:#blank_manifest_url

# The class must be named Command, and subclass BaseCommand
class Command(BaseCommand):
    # Show this when the user types help
    help = "Add profile type definition to the database "

    def __init__(self):

    def handle(self, *args, **options):

        self.stdout.write("Removing Record Action Button ")
        self.stdout.write("Adding Record Action Button ")

        add_terminal_all = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="add_terminal_all",
                                                                            title="Add new file by terminal",
                                                                            label="Add", type="", error_message="",
                                                                            icon_class="fa fa-terminal",
        download_sample_manifest_single = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(
            name="download_sample_manifest_single", title="Download Sample Manifest", label="Download sample manifest",
            type="single", error_message="Please select one of samples in the manifest to download",
            icon_class="fa fa-download", action="download-sample-manifest", icon_colour="blue")
        add_local_all = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="add_local_all",
                                                                         title="Add new file by browsing local file system",
                                                                         label="Add", type="",
                                                                         error_message="Add new file by browsing local file system",
                                                                         icon_class="fa fa-desktop",
                                                                         action="add_files_locally", icon_colour="blue")
        edit_record_single = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="edit_record_single",
                                                                              title="Edit record", label="Edit",
                                                                              error_message="Please select a record to edit",
                                                                              icon_class="fa fa-pencil-square",
                                                                              action="edit", icon_colour="green")
        add_record_all = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="add_record_all", title="Add new record",
                                                                          label="Add", type="", error_message="",
                                                                          icon_class="fa fa-plus-circle", action="add",
        download_permits_multiple = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="download_permits_multiple",
                                                                                     title="Download Permits",
                                                                                     label="Download permits",
                                                                                     error_message="Please select one or more sample records from the table shown to download permits for",
                                                                                     icon_class="fa fa-download",
        view_images_multiple = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="view_images_multiple",
                                                                                title="View Images",
                                                                                label="View images", type="multi",
                                                                                error_message="Please select one or more sample records from the table shown to view images for",
                                                                                icon_class="fa fa-eye",
        submit_tagged_seq_multi = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="submit_tagged_seq_multi",
                                                                                   title="Submit Tagged Sequence",
                                                                                   label="Submit", type="multi",
                                                                                   error_message="Please select one or more record to submit",
                                                                                   icon_class="fa fa-info-circle",
        submit_read_multi = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="submit_read_multi",
                                                                             title="Submit Read", label="Submit",
                                                                             error_message="Please select one or more record to submit",
                                                                             icon_class="fa fa-info-circle",
                                                                             action="submit_read", icon_colour="teal")
        submit_annotation_multi = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="submit_annotation_multi",
                                                                                   title="Submit Annotation",
                                                                                   label="Submit", type="multi",
                                                                                   error_message="Please select one or more record to submit",
                                                                                   icon_class="fa fa-info-circle",
        submit_assembly_multi = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="submit_assembly_multi",
                                                                                 title="Submit Assembly",
                                                                                 label="Submit", type="multi",
                                                                                 error_message="Please select one or more record to submit",
                                                                                 icon_class="fa fa-info-circle",
        delete_record_multi = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="delete_record_multi",
                                                                               title="Delete records", label="Delete",
                                                                               error_message="Please select one or more records to delete",
                                                                               icon_class="fa fa-trash-can",
        releasestudy = RecordActionButton().create_record_action_button(name="releasestudy", title="Release Study",
                                                                        label="Release Study", type="single",
                                                                        error_message="", icon_class="fa fa-globe",
                                                                        action="release_study", icon_colour="blue")
        self.stdout.write("Record Action Button Added")
        records = RecordActionButton.objects.all()

        for record in records:

        self.stdout.write("Removing Title Button ")
        self.stdout.write("Adding Title Button ")

        accept_reject_samples = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="accept_reject_samples",
                                                                  template="<button style=\"display: none\" title=\"Accept/Reject TOL Samples\"             class=\"big circular ui icon teal button accept_reject_samples copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon tasks sign\"></i>     </button>",
        tol_inspect = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="tol_inspect",
                                                        template="<button style=\"display: none\" title=\"Inspect TOL\"             class=\"big circular ui icon yellow button tol_inspect copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon clipboard list\"></i>     </button>",
        tol_inspect_gal = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="tol_inspect_gal",
                                                            template="<button class=\"big circular ui icon green button tol_inspect_gal copo-tooltip\" title=\"Inspect TOL by GAL\">         <i class=\"icon building\"></i>     </button>",
        copo_accessions = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="copo_accessions",
                                                            template="<button style=\"display: none\" title=\"View Accessions Dashboard\"             class=\"big circular ui icon pink button copo_accessions copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon sitemap\"></i>     </button>",
        new_taggedseq_spreadsheet_template = TitleButton().create_title_button(
            template="<button style=\"display: inline\" title=\"Add Tagged Sequence (s) from Tagged Sequence Spreadsheet\"             class=\"big circular ui icon button new-taggedseq-spreadsheet-template copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon table sign\"></i>     </button>",
        new_terminal_file = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="new_terminal_file",
                                                              template="<button title=\"Add new file by terminal\"             class=\"big circular ui icon primary button new-terminal-file copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon terminal sign\"></i>     </button>",
        new_local_file = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="new_local_file",
                                                           template="<button title=\"Add new file by browsing local file system\"             class=\"big circular ui icon primary button new-local-file copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon desktop sign\"></i>     </button>",
        new_reads_spreadsheet_template = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="new_reads_spreadsheet_template",
                                                                           template="<button style=\"display: inline\" title=\"Add Read(s) from Read Spreadsheet\"             class=\"big circular ui icon button new-reads-spreadsheet-template copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon table sign\"></i>     </button>",
        new_samples_spreadsheet_template = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="new_samples_spreadsheet_template",
                                                                             template="<button   title=\"Add Sample(s) from Spreadsheet\"             class=\"big circular ui icon button new-samples-spreadsheet-template copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon table sign\"></i>     </button>",
        quick_tour_template = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="quick_tour_template",
                                                                template="<button title=\"Quick tour\"             class=\"big circular ui icon orange button takeatour quick-tour-template copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon lightbulb\"></i>     </button>",
        new_component_template = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="new_component_template",
                                                                   template="<button title=\"Add new profile record\"             class=\"big circular ui icon primary button new-component-template copo-tooltip\">         <i class=\"icon add sign\"></i>     </button>",
        download_sop = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="download_sop",
                                                         template="<a title=\"Download Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)\"         class=\"big circular ui icon yellow button download-sop copo-tooltip\" target=\"_blank\">         <i class=\"icon download sign\"></i>     </a>",
        download_blank_manifest_template = TitleButton().create_title_button(name="download_blank_manifest_template",
                                                                             template="<a  title=\"Download Blank Manifest Template\"             class=\"big circular ui icon brown button download-blank-manifest-template copo-tooltip\" target=\"_blank\">         <i class=\"icon download sign\"></i>     </a>",

        self.stdout.write("Title Button Added")
        records = TitleButton.objects.all()

        for record in records:

        self.stdout.write("Setup Completed")

        self.stdout.write("Removing Component ")
        self.stdout.write("Adding Component ")

        assembly = Component().create_component(name="assembly", title="Assembly", widget_icon="puzzle piece",
                                                widget_colour="violet", widget_icon_class="fa fa-puzzle-piece",
                                                reverse_url="copo_assembly_submission:copo_assembly", subtitle="")
        taggedseq = Component().create_component(name="taggedseq", title="Barcoding Manifests", widget_icon="barcode",
                                                 widget_colour="red", widget_icon_class="fa fa-barcode",
        files = Component().create_component(name="files", title="Files", widget_icon="file", widget_colour="blue",
                                             widget_icon_class="fa fa-file", table_id="files_table",
                                             reverse_url="copo_file:copo_files", subtitle="")
        seqannotation = Component().create_component(name="seqannotation", title="Sequence Annotations",
                                                     widget_icon="tag", widget_colour="yellow",
                                                     widget_icon_class="fa fa-tag", table_id="seqannotation_table",
        read = Component().create_component(name="read", title="Reads", widget_icon="dna", widget_colour="orange",
                                            widget_icon_class="fa fa-dna", table_id="read_table",
        sample = Component().create_component(name="sample", title="Samples", widget_icon="filter",
                                              widget_colour="olive", widget_icon_class="fa fa-filter",
                                              table_id="sample_table", reverse_url="copo_sample:copo_samples",
        accessions = Component().create_component(name="accessions", title="Accessions", widget_icon="sitemap",
                                                  widget_colour="pink", widget_icon_class="fa fa-sitemap",
                                                  reverse_url="copo_accession:copo_accessions", subtitle="")
        profile = Component().create_component(name="profile", title="Work Profiles", widget_icon="", widget_colour="",
                                               widget_icon_class="", table_id="copo_profiles_table", reverse_url="",

            [add_record_all, edit_record_single, delete_record_multi, submit_assembly_multi])

            [add_record_all, edit_record_single, delete_record_multi, submit_tagged_seq_multi])
        taggedseq.title_buttons.set([new_taggedseq_spreadsheet_template, download_blank_manifest_template])

        files.recordaction_buttons.set([add_local_all, add_terminal_all, delete_record_multi])
        files.title_buttons.set([new_local_file, new_terminal_file])

            [add_record_all, edit_record_single, delete_record_multi, submit_annotation_multi])

        read.recordaction_buttons.set([delete_record_multi, submit_read_multi])
        read.title_buttons.set([new_reads_spreadsheet_template, download_blank_manifest_template])

            [download_sample_manifest_single, download_permits_multiple, view_images_multiple])
            [quick_tour_template, new_samples_spreadsheet_template, download_blank_manifest_template, download_sop,

        accessions.title_buttons.set([copo_accessions, accept_reject_samples, tol_inspect, tol_inspect_gal])

        profile.title_buttons.set([quick_tour_template, new_component_template])

        self.stdout.write("Component Added")
        records = Component.objects.all()

        for record in records:

        self.stdout.write("Removing Existing Profile Types ")
        self.stdout.write("Adding Profile Types")

        erga = ProfileType().create_profile_type(type="erga", description="European Reference Genome Atlas (ERGA)",
                                                 widget_colour="#E61A8D", is_dtol_profile=True,
        asg = ProfileType().create_profile_type(type="asg", description="Aquatic Symbiosis Genomics (ASG)",
                                                widget_colour="#5829bb", is_dtol_profile=True,
        dtolenv = ProfileType().create_profile_type(type="dtolenv",
                                                    description="Darwin Tree of Life Environmental Samples (DTOLENV)",
                                                    widget_colour="#fb7d0d", is_dtol_profile=True,
        dtol = ProfileType().create_profile_type(type="dtol", description="Darwin Tree of Life (DTOL)",
                                                 widget_colour="#16ab39", is_dtol_profile=True,
        genomics = ProfileType().create_profile_type(type="genomics", description="Genomics", widget_colour="#009c95",
                                                     is_dtol_profile=False, is_permission_required=False)

        erga.components.set([assembly, taggedseq, files, seqannotation, read, sample, accessions])
        asg.components.set([assembly, taggedseq, files, seqannotation, read, sample, accessions])
        dtolenv.components.set([assembly, taggedseq, files, seqannotation, read, sample, accessions])
        dtol.components.set([assembly, taggedseq, files, seqannotation, read, sample, accessions])
        genomics.components.set([assembly, files, seqannotation, read, sample, accessions])

        self.stdout.write("Profile Types Added")
        records = ProfileType.objects.all()

        for record in records:

To run this command, use:

python setup_profile_types

This command will automatically setup a profile with the predefined subparts, ensuring a quick and consistent setup.

Visual Representation of Profile Subparts within COPO Project

Click the link below to view a visual representation of the profile subparts within the COPO project.
